How Can Business Owners Gain Peace Of Mind With Security Cameras?

No doubt about it: Running a business is HARD.

If you’re anything like most business owners, you’ve laid awake at night (probably recently) asking yourself at least one of these questions:

  • “What could derail us? Do I know about it?”

  • “Why was my insurance claim denied?”

  • “Am I doing enough?”

These are tough questions, and there’s no silver bullet to make them all go away.

But believe it or not, security cameras can help — a lot more than you might think. Let’s dive into how the right security camera system can help business owners find peace of mind & put at least some of their worries to rest.

👀 Enhanced Surveillance and Monitoring

Unlike us mortals, security cameras truly can be everywhere at once. They offer business owners both live video AND retroactive footage of everything that happens at their business.

On the go and want to check in on a big customer order? Pull up the live feed.

Trying to figure out what happened to that missing pallet? Check the footage.

For almost any question imaginable — security cameras can help you find the answer.

Pro Tip: Familiarize yourself with your security camera dashboard. Some are easier to use than others, especially the older legacy systems. If it’s too difficult to use, modern software platforms often work with your existing cameras to make the system more user-friendly and useful.

🚨 Deter Criminal Activity

Cameras don’t just help you investigate crimes; they also prevent them.

Source: University of North Carolina at Charlotte

In 2012, UNC conducted a survey of convicted burglars to understand what motivated them to target certain properties more than others.

The results? 45% of respondents said they would move on from a potential target if security cameras were present.

Getting security cameras at your business is one of the very best things you can do to keep bad guys away.

Pro Tip: Active deterrence systems combine your existing security cameras with sirens, lights, two-way audio talkdown, and even live agents to proactively scare off criminals. These systems are often surprisingly affordable as well, making them accessible to businesses big & small.

🧑‍💼 Improve Employee Accountability

Every business needs good employees to be successful. Sadly, in any group of people, you’ll always find bad actors who ruin things for everyone else.

  • A 2018 study by the Pew Research Center found that 40% of women and 16% of men have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace at least once in their careers.

  • Bad actors don’t just harm employees; they’re also bad for business. Internal theft & fraud are all too common in today’s workplace. 3 in 4 employees surveyed by the FBI in a recent study admitted to stealing from their employer.

Security cameras keep employees honest and act as a powerful incentive for them to treat their coworkers, your customers, and the business’s assets with respect.

Pro tip: Don’t be big brother. Be transparent with your employees about your security cameras. Show them where they’re located & explain clearly what they’re used for. Not only is this a clear signal to them not to try anything dishonest; transparency also fosters trust, respect, & loyalty.

💸 Facilitate Insurance Claims

In the unfortunate event of theft, vandalism, or other incidents, security camera footage can be invaluable for filing insurance claims.

Clear video evidence supports your claims and speeds up the reimbursement process. This documentation also demonstrates your commitment to maintaining a secure environment.

Pro Tip: When you do need to file claims, move beyond backing up videos to thumb drives that are easy to lose. Modern systems let you tag, sort, and back up vital clips both on-premises and in a secured cloud environment so you can always find important footage when you need it.

📈 Streamline Operations

Modern security camera systems come with features that go beyond simple video recording.

For instance, some systems offer analytics that track foot traffic. Others are designed to alert you of production slowdowns or stalled customer queues.

Using these features, you can gain valuable insights into your business operations and make data-driven decisions to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Pro Tip: Don’t settle for a system that only solves your security problems. The AI revolution has brought hundreds of incredible ways business owners can use video footage to improve operations. Many platforms are built for specific industries, with features like shoplifting alerts or PPE detection.

Conclusion: Peace of Mind With Cameras

Running a business is stressful, but security cameras can ease some of that burden. Knowing your employees, customers, and assets are all protected gives you at least three less things to worry about.

And if those same cameras can help you improve your business in new and exciting ways? Not a bad deal.

BONUS: Sound interesting?

We’ve covered a lot of ground in this blog, and it can be hard to know where to begin. That’s where we come in!

Whether you want to learn more about installing cameras, adding active deterrence solutions, getting more user-friendly software, or anything else, Observa Technologies is your go-to resource for all your security camera needs.

Call us at (801) 901-0225, email, or book a call with us directly for a free quote. We’re excited to hear from you!


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