What is a Mobile Security Unit, and are they right for your business?

With theft, vandalism, trespassing, and more on the rise, it’s never been more important to protect yourself and your business from wrongdoers.

And while there are many valuable ways to use security cameras at your business, protecting your business’s assets will always be priority #1. 

But what if those assets are out of reach from a traditional security camera system? How can you protect assets your security cameras can’t see?

In today’s blog post, we’ll dive into Mobile Security Units: the pros & cons, ideal use cases, and how you can go about setting one up at your business. 

What is a Mobile Security Unit? 

A Mobile Security Unit (or MSU) is an advanced security solution that can solve complex security challenges in ways traditional systems can’t. Think of them as security camera systems that can be picked up and placed anywhere you need them. 

Not only do these systems come pre-assembled with cameras, strobe lights, loudspeakers, alarms, and more; they also usually connect to the cloud via cellular data & even generate their own power.

Add this all together, and you’ll see that MSUs are designed to give businesses all the security benefits of traditional camera systems, but with far fewer constraints.

Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of MSUs:

Pros of MSUs:

  • Easy to deploy: Most MSUs come preconfigured and can be set up within 30 minutes or less

  • No power or network restrictions: Because MSUs are self-powered & connected to the cloud via cellular data, they can be placed virtually anywhere; no wiring needed

  • Fully automated security: Built with automation in mind, MSUs are not limited by the physical presence of a security guard in order to secure business assets

  • Remote access: Footage from MSUs can usually be accessed remotely via cloud connected software, so your team can instantly take action on security-related events

  • Live monitoring: On top of everything else, many MSUs offer live, 3rd party monitoring as an additional layer of security, complete with two-way audio capabilities

Cons of MSUs:

  • Cellular network constraints: Transmitting large amounts of data via cellular connection can be pricey, and the reliability of the connection can vary

  • No coverage indoors: MSUs are usually standalone solutions that can’t easily be integrated into a traditional camera system interface

  • Limited visibility: Because MSUs typically carry 1-3 cameras each, large-scale deployments may require multiple units in order to cover wide areas

What are some ideal use cases for MSUs?

  • Deter potential criminals: With their flashing blue lights and large camera/speaker arrays, MSUs are designed to be seen (and feared) by bad actors, who are much more likely to target locations without such protections

  • Protecting remote spaces: Parking lots, construction sites, oil fields, industrial spaces, and other locations tend to be far from a business’s network infrastructure, making them perfect locations for an MSU

  • Temporary events: MSUs are a common sight at concerts, parades, fairs, and other events where security needs are critical, but temporary. And because deployment is so easy, an MSU’s physical location can be adapted to the event’s unique needs.

  • Get more bang for your buck: Not only are MSUs often significantly cheaper than traditional security guards, they also tend to be more effective; a security guard can’t “be everywhere at once” the same way a fleet of MSUs can

To sum it all up, MSUs are incredibly versatile tools for businesses to protect their assets & property.

Whether you would like to secure a physical location out of reach from your current cameras, are unsatisfied with your security guard services, or have any other security need you haven’t been able to solve, MSUs are likely the perfect blend of efficiency, convenience, and versatility.


Want to learn more about which MSUs are right for you? Observa Technologies helps organizations everywhere evaluate & deploy MSUs for a variety of use cases. Call or text us at ‪(801) 901-0225, email us at info@observa.co, or schedule a free consultation below. We’d love to hear from you!


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