Let’s find the best solutions for you.

Here’s our availability:


⌚️ 15-minute video call
What problems are you facing?
How can Observa solve those problems?
🧑‍💻 Which solutions would be best for you?

We’re looking forward to meeting you!

We’ll answer all your questions, including:

🎥 Which cameras should I get?

Wireless or wired? 4K or 1080p? With so many camera options, it’s easy to get this wrong — which can be a huge problem.

📍 Where should I put cameras?

Interior or exterior? Ceiling mount or wall mount? The right camera in the wrong spot can leave you without critical footage.

🧑‍💻 Which software should I use?

Access control integration? Slip & fall alerts? Depending on your goals, some software may be better than others.

We’re here to help.

At Observa Technologies, we’re experts in helping business owners answer these questions and more.

What sets us apart? Instead of pushing one-size-fits-all cameras, we’ll give you a wide variety of options, providing expert guidance to help you choose & install the best solution for you.