Auto Dealership Remote Video Monitoring: Is It Right For You?

Automotive dealership parking lot at night with several rows of cars

As more Americans feel the squeeze of inflation, property crime is set to continue rising, posing a massive risk to auto dealerships. 

Here's where we're at: 

  • Motor vehicle thefts are becoming alarmingly common, rising 25% between 2019-2022 (Marketwatch) leading up to last year's record-breaking 1,020,729 thefts (NICB)

  • 12 states saw a yearly increase of 10% or more; DC alone saw a 64% increase (NICB)

  • Thefts are becoming increasingly costly to dealers, with Ally Bank reporting a 60% increase in the value of claims between 2019 and 2023 (Automotive News).

Because of this, dealers everywhere are asking what we’re all thinking: Where's Robocop when you need him?

Here's the good news: while Robocop might still be a few years off (just ask the NYPD), that doesn't mean technology hasn't responded to growing crime rates. 

In today's blog post, we'll give you the 411 on automotive dealership remote video monitoring (RVM for short), a growing trend in dealership security that has exploded in recent years. 

Dealers, this one's for you.

What is automotive dealership remote video monitoring (RVM), and how does it work?

An automotive dealership remote video monitoring agent looking at camera feeds

You know the big security rooms with tons of security camera feeds in your favorite spy movie?

Automotive dealership remote video monitoring is a similar service, but tailored specifically to the needs of auto dealers wanting to prevent & deter would-be criminals

Here’s an example of how automotive dealership remote monitoring can work:

  1. A person enters the field of view of an RVM-enabled camera during restricted hours (what if you can't see the far reaches of your lot?)

  2. An agent begins monitoring the live feed to keep an eye on the person

  3. If the person gets too close to inventory or doors, the agent activates a loudspeaker, identifies the person, and commands them to leave the property

  4. If the person does not respond, the agent notifies law enforcement and/or private security guards, who respond within minutes

Think about RVM as a security guard service that uses technology to "be everywhere at once."

What are the pros of automotive dealership real-time video monitoring? 

Automotive dealership live security camera surveillance offers several unique benefits, including:

  • Immediate response: Rather than cleaning up the mess later, agents can take action as soon as a threat is realized 

  • Be everywhere: Security cameras enable agents to have a 360 degree view of your store & lot, removing constraints to efficient monitoring

  • Cost-effective: RVM companies almost always cost a fraction of traditional security guard services while providing a superior service

What are the cons of automotive dealership live video monitoring? 

While the benefits of automotive dealership security camera monitoring are clear, it's important to note that no solution is perfect. Here are some potential drawbacks to using these services:

  • No human presence: RVM is intended to offer an effective first line of defense, but if the individual ignores the agent's talkdowns, further security measures are needed

  • Technology constraints: Internet/power outages, as well as issues with a camera's proper functioning, can greatly limit the usefulness of automotive dealership remote video monitoring 

  • Camera placements: RVM agents can't protect what they can't see; if a threat is located beyond security cameras' field of view, the agent won't be able to respond

Which types of dealers can benefit the most from automotive dealership remote video monitoring?

While any dealer can reap the rewards of automotive dealership live security camera surveillance, there are a few use cases that make for a particularly great fit:

  • Unsatisfied with security guards: Many dealers who have hired 3rd party security guards service have found the guards were either too slow to respond or didn't respond at all; other dealers simply find they spend more than they're comfortable with on these services

  • Good security camera coverage: Dealers who already have visibility into the perimeter of their lots have the easiest path to getting set up with RVM (if you don't, a reliable commercial security camera installation company like Observa Technologies can help you out)

  • Dealers in high-crime areas: Certain geographies experience far higher rates of property crime, making dealers located in these areas a great candidate for automotive dealership live video monitoring. The National Insurance Crime Bureau recently shared a report on which states & cities are the hottest targets for criminals, which you can check out here.

How difficult is it to set up automotive dealership remote video monitoring?

The exact method will differ from vendor to vendor, but in most cases it’s surprisingly easy to set up RVM. Here are the most common RVM deployment methods: 

  • Use existing cameras: By far the easiest way to get set up with RVM, this method enables the service provider to access live video feeds using the cameras already in place at the dealership. Some providers require an additional device to be installed on the network, but even this is very straightforward & easy.

  • Install new cameras: If your dealership’s security cameras don’t provide adequate coverage, or if you don’t have cameras at all, running new camera lines has never been easier or more affordable - just make sure you partner with a reliable business security camera installer, like Observa Technologies.

  • Mobile security units: If your inventory can’t be adequately seen by the existing security camera system, or if your needs are temporary, dealers have the option of deploying Mobile Security Units, which can be placed anywhere and use cellular data to transmit images to RVM agents (learn more about MSUs here).

BONUS: How do I know which automotive dealership remote video monitoring service is right for me?

Three co-founders of a business security camera installation company

Believe it or not, not all RVM service companies are created equal. Google "automotive dealership remote video monitoring" and you'll find no shortage of options, each one with different pricing, company maturity, deployment method, response options, alert types, and a slew of other factors.

As experts in security camera systems for business, Observa Technologies has vetted & partnered with many RVM providers on the market today to address a wide variety of use cases & budgets. When you find the right solution for you, our technicians can deploy it at your dealership - usually within just a few days.


Although today’s dealers face unprecedented levels of property crime, automotive dealership remote video monitoring gives dealers a fast, cost-effective way to fight back. With various featuresets, pricing models, and deployment methods available, there’s sure to be an RVM partner that fits your dealership’s unique needs & budget.


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